Indigenous Support Program

The Indigenous Support Program (ISP) is an integral part of AHSPG’s vision and service through the development and growth of tenants’ and applicants’ emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. The ISP supports the AHSPG team, tenants, and community members.

The ISP supports a continuous, successful tenancy as well as the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of all tenants and community members. The ISP also supports short and long-term goals, connects tenants in the community, and attends and provides workshops that will improve knowledge for individual and communal growth.

The ISP connects and builds relationships with community service providers in the community, work with tenants and embrace them with resources that will service any individual needs, and it is of importance to keep updated on any events, workshops, and resources to provide information to tenants on request, while maintaining privacy standards.


Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)

Aboriginal Housing is offering a FREE community income tax program.

Eligibility (Single => $35,00, Couples and Single Parents =>$45,000)

Thelma is here Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-2pm, To schedule an appointment please email please ensure that Canada Revenue Agency has your updated address information. If you have moved residence AFTER your last tax filling in 2023, you may need to update your information. if so, call 1-800-959-8281.

Leisure Access Program (LAP)

The Leisure Access Program (LAP) provides opportunities for residents with limited income to participate in a variety of aquatic activities. Leisure Access participants receive:

  • 52 complimentary public swimming admissions.
  • 75 percent off all swim passes once the 52 complimentary admissions have been used.
  • 75 percent off swimming programs ($50.00 credit maximum) such as swimming lessons.

For more information on eligibility or how to apply, please contact our main office or choose the “Request an Appointment” option below.

Request an Appointment with an Indigenous Support Worker

Request an appointment