Membership Application

New Membership

We are looking for new members who feel they will contribute on the ongoing development and improvement of the Housing Society. As per the Constitution and Bylaws of the Aboriginal Housing Society of Prince George, dated January 16, 2017. Membership bylaws are below.


2.1 Admission to Membership

Membership in the Society will be restricted to:

  • (a) those Persons and Organizations who are Members in good standing on the date these Bylaws came into force: and
  • (b) those Persons and Organizations whose subsequent application for admission as a Member has been accepted by the Directors.

2.2 Classes of Membership

There will be one (1) class of voting membership, being the Voting Member, and one (1) class of non-voting membership, being the Non-Voting Member.

2.3 Eligibility for Voting Membership

A Person may be eligible to be accepted as a Voting Member if he or she:

  • (a) is eighteen (18) years of age or older,
  • (b) is an Aboriginal Person,
  • (c) is normally resident in Northern British Columbia, and
  • (d) is interested in advancing the purposes and supporting the activities of the Society,

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Person is not eligible to be accepted or to continue as a Voting Member if he or she:

  • (e) is a resident in any housing property owned or managed by the Society;
  • (f) is an employee of, or engaged as a contractor for services with an aggregate value of $10.000 or more with the Society; or
  • (g) is the Spouse of a Person referred to in paragraphs (e) or (f), above.

An organization is not eligible to be accepted as a Voting Member.

2.4 Eligibility for Non-Voting Membership

A Person may be eligible to be accepted as a Non- Voting Member if he or she:

  • (a) is Ineligible to become a Voting Member in according with these Bylaws; and
  • (b) is interested in advancing the purposes and supporting the activities of the Society.

An Organization may be eligible to be accepted as a Non-Voting Member if it is interested in advancing the purposes and supporting the activities of the Society.

2.5 Transition of Membership

On the date these Bylaws come into force:

  • (a) each Person who is a Member in good standing and who us eligible for voting membership under these Bylaws will continue as a Voting Member until the conclusion of the current term of membership, unless sooner ceasing;
  • (b) each Person or Organization that is a Member in good standing and that is eligible for non-voting membership under these Bylaws will continue as a Non-Voting Member until the conclusion of the current term of membership, unless sooner ceasing; and
  • (c) each Person of Organization that is a member of the Society not in good standing or that is ineligible for membership under these Bylaws will be deemed to have resigned from membership effective that date.

2.6 Membership Coordinator

The Board may delegate the review and acceptance of new applications and re-applications for membership to a person or committee within the Society, which Person or body will be referred to for the purposed of these sections as the membership coordinator.

If not membership coordinator is designed by the Board, then the duties for that position set out in these Bylaws remain with the Board.

2.7 Application for Membership

An eligible Person or Organization may apply to the Society to become a Member as follows:

  • (a) by submitting a completed application, in such form and manner as may be established by the Society, at the Address of the Society or to an authorized representative of the Society;
  • (b) by submitting payment for applicable membership dues, if any; and
  • (c) by submitting such information or documentation as the membership coordinator may require to confirm eligibility for membership.
  • 2.8 Reviewing and Acceptance of Application

The membership coordinator, if any, shall review all applications for membership in the Society and may, if necessary to determine eligibility for membership, request the Person or Organization to provide further information or documentation in support of the application.

The membership coordinator may, be entering the Person’s or Organization’s information into the membership register, accepting that Person or Organization as a Member in the appropriate class as determined in accordance with these Bylaws.

An Organization that is accepted as a Member must designate in writing delivered to the Address of the Society, a Person to exercise the rights of membership an behalf of the Organization.

2.9 Reporting and Ratification of Membership

The membership coordinator, if any, shall regularly report to the Board in relation to applications for membership received and approved.

At such times, the Board shall consider a Board Resolution to ratify the approval of memberships made in the last interval and may, if necessary determine any issues related to membership of an applicant.

2.10 Referral of Application to Board

The membership coordinator, if any, may at any time refer an application for membership to the Board for further consideration and if so referred, the Board may, by Board Resolution, accept, postpone or refuse an application for membership.

The Board may refuse or postpone an application for membership for any reason which, in the Board’s view, is necessary or prudent to protect the reputation and integrity of the Society.

2.11 Membership not Transferable

Membership is not transferable by a Member.

2.12 Term of Membership

Once accepted as a Member, a Person or Organization continues as a Member until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting, unless renewed in accordance with section 2.13.

2.13 Renewal and Re-application of Membership

A Member who continues to be eligible may renew his or her or its membership prior to its expiry in such manner as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
A Person or Organization whose membership has expired or otherwise ceased other than by expulsion and who remains eligible may re-apply for membership after its expiry in accordance with section 2.7.

A Person or Organization expelled from membership may, unless prohibited by the terms of the expulsion, re-apply for membership in accordance with the terms of the expulsion resolution, provided that if the expulsion resolution provided no restrictions related to reapplication, the Person or Organization may reapply for membership after one (1) year from the date of expulsion.

Re-applications for membership are subject to acceptance by the Board.

2.14 Cessation of Membership

A Person or an Organization will immediately cease to be a Member:

  • (a) upon the date which is the later of:
  • (1) the date of delivering his or her or its resignation in writing to the Secretary or the Address of the Society; and
  • (2) the effective date of the resignation stated thereon;
  • (b) upon the expiry of his or her or its term;
  • (c) upon the date which is ninety (90) days from the date on which such Member ceases to be in good standing; or
  • (d) upon his or her or its expulsion; or
  • (e) upon his or her death or, in the case of an Origination, dissolution.


3.1 Rights of Membership

Voting Membership

A Voting Member in good standing has the following rights and privileges of membership:

  • (a) to receive notice of, and to attend, all General Meetings;
  • (b) to make or second motions at a General Meeting and to speak in debate on motions under consideration in accordance with such rules of order as may be adopted;
  • (c) to exercise a vote on matters for determination at General Meetings;
  • (d) to nominate for election as a Director, in accordance with these Bylaws;
  • (e) may be nominated, if eligible, to stand for election as a Director of the Society; and
  • (f) may serve on committees of the Society, as invited;
  • (g) may participate in the programs and initiatives of the Society, in accordance with such criteria as may be determined by the Board from time to time.

Non-Voting Membership

A Non-Voting Member in good standing has the following rights and privileges of membership:

  • (a) to receive notice of, and to attend, all General Meetings;
  • (b) to speak in debate on motions under consideration in accordance with such rules of order as may be adopted;
  • (c) may serve on committees of the Society, as invited; and
  • (d) may participate in the programs and initiatives of the Society, in accordance with such criteria as may be determined by the Board from time to time.

3.2 Member not in Good Standing

A Member who is not in good standing has the right to receive notice of, and to attend, all General Meetings, and the right to participate in programs or initiatives of the Society (subject to eligibility) but it suspended from all of the other rights set out in section 3.1 for so long as he or she remains not in good standing.

3.3 Dues

The Board will, by Board Resolution, determine the dues payable by Members from time to time and in the absence of such determination by the Board, dues are deemed to be nil.

3.4 Standing of Members

All Members are deemed to be in good standing except a Member who has failed to pay such annual membership dues as are determined by the Board, if any, when dues are owing and such Member is not in good standing so long as such amount remains unpaid.

3.5 Compliance with Constitution, Bylaws and Policies

Every Member will, at all times:

  • (a) uphold the Constitution and comply with these Bylaws, the regulations and the policies of the Society in effect from time to time;
  • (b) abide by such codes of conduct and ethics adopted by the Society; and
  • (c) further and not hinder the purposes, aims and objects of the Society.

3.6 Expulsion of Members

Following an appropriate investigation or review of a Member’s conduct or actions in accordance such policies as may be established by the Board, the Board may, by Board Resolution, expel a Member for conduct which, in reasonable opinion of the Board:

  • (a) is improper or unbecoming for a Member;
  • (b) is contrary to section 3.5; or
  • (c) is likely to endanger the reputation or hinder the interests of the Society.

The Board must provide notice of a proposed explanation to the Member in question, accompanied by a brief statement of the reasons for the disciplinary action.
A Member who is the subject of the proposed expulsion will be provided a reasonable opportunity to respond to the proposed discipline at or before the time the Board Resolution is decided.

3.7 No Distribution of Income to Members

The Society shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and no part of any income of the Society shall be payable or otherwise available for the personal benefit of the members thereof, and any profits or other accretions to the Society shall be used for promoting its purposes. This provision was previously unalterable.

The Aboriginal Housing Society of Prince George (AHSPG) is a non-profit organization that provides safe, healthy, and affordable housing to Aboriginal people of all ages, incomes, and capabilities. Members of the Aboriginal Housing Society of Prince George are able to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) as well as help shape both the present and future direction of the

Please refer to our membership by-laws (attached above) for classifications to membership. This form will be added to the agenda for the next board meeting. Forms will be accepted until September 30th, to be considered as members before the Annual General Meeting each year.

I, , hereby request that my name be placed before the Board of Directors for consideration of membership to the Aboriginal Housing Society of Prince George. I reside within 50 kilometres of Prince George. I understand that should I be accepted by the Board of Directors as a member of the Society, I will need to pay the annual membership fee of $2.00.

As a member, how would you contribute to the ongoing development and improvement of the Aboriginal Housing Society of Prince George?



Refer to section 2.3 Eligibility for Voting Membership.
Annual membership dues shall be $2.00.

January 22, 2025

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August 4, 2021 6:47 pm PSTMembership Application Uploaded by Aboriginal Housing Society of Prince George - IP
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